Saturday, October 11, 2008

Robert Rauschenberg Artist Responce-Midterm

Hi, this is Sanjana and it's Saturday. Sorry I'm in a weird mood as I watch football for teams I don't care about, although WSU plays at 3:30... So here is my artist response for writer Robert Rauschenburg found in chapter one of New Media in Art

Robert Rauschenberg was one of the first artists to introduce the intertwining of art and technology. Rauschenberg met several writers including Billy Kluver and Jon Cage along with choreographer Merce Cunningham to complete Performance art pieces like Hommage a New York, and Variations V. In 1966 Rauschenberg along with other colleagues staged Nine Evenings: Theater and Engineering. In these shows, the audience was allowed to see how technology impacts Performance art. A good example of this comes from Rauschenberg’s performance called, Open Score. You can find a clip of Open Score at:

Sanjana Pahalad


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