Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Extra Credit Opp for October

So here's your October opp to get some extra points. Check out the Jen DeNike show at Quality Pictures this month. It's timely, with an election on the horizon...and it's video art, so it is the perfect show to see when taking FA331 in an election year. Quality Pictures is putting on a video trifecta for the next three months...so if you're a fan of video art, QP is the place to be.

If you want to know more about Jen DeNike, read her bio here.

The nitty gritty details.....write a one page summary of DeNike's work, attach support materials to prove you were there (postcard from QP, photo you took at QP, or a note signed by Chas Bowie) and turn it in by November 4th.

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