Sunday, November 16, 2008

Question for the class, The Electronic Era and Postmodernism

Bryce VanHoosen poses this question from his reading response to Lovejoy.

Have we surpassed the idea of 'technology-as-art' and gone into the realm of 'art-using-technology'?


Mayra Najera said...

I think we have. Where there was actual artwork with television sets, now it seems we're just using technology to create the artwork itself. Photographs get digitally enhanced, videos are edited with computer programs, etc. Perhaps because technology as art was a new concept, as with everything else, once it's no longer 'new' it sort of gets used and recycled until perhaps it has evolved into something relatively new.


Tayler Black said...

I do think that most art has evolved from making art that is a statement about technology to using technology to create art. In class today, we watched a video on a video art installation that used a lazer sharp edge to make water appear transparent and superimposing older and newer film technologies to get an early and modern feel. The work was about the thin veil between life and death, not technology, even though it certainly required technology to be made. I wrote my final paper on Maggie Taylor, an artist who uses scanners instead of photographs to get images into her computer and adjust them in photoshop cs. While her process is very technical, her work doesn't feel digital at all and its statement is much more about humanity than technology. To put it bluntly, I'm much more excited about what artists can do with technology than what they may have to say about it because I feel that that statement has already been made by many authors and writers alike.

Chadwick M said...

I strongly believe that we have. Technology now dominants the art world improving everything and setting a standard for what is to come. It seems that many forms of art that are untouched by technology can't compete in the art world. I do believe that technology is no longer a "new" way of art but more of an "expected" way of presenting art. I think that because technologically altered art is so popular now, it opens the door to allow so many more diverse applications.

Chad Miltenberger