Monday, November 17, 2008

Class....Monday, November 17th

I can't be there today because my son is sick. Thanks Jeannette for helping out. But you can still proceed with class as I had planned (minus my finishing off the lecture on video art, which will be finalized on Wed.). So here is what you should be doing until 11:50am and what you need to turn in....
  • Meet with your group during class time today. Use this time to organize and narrow down the details of your group presentation. On Wednesday, you'll have about thirty minutes to meet with you group, so try to get as much done today as possible. Wednesday you will have to confirm with me your chosen group project topic and we will also determine which day your group presents. How? A member from each group will draw dates from a hat (no peeking)....the dates to pick from will be December 1, December 3, or December 8. If your group has any questions, I will be available via email and phone during class time, feel free to contact me and I will respond quickly. Home phone # (503) 735-4642.
  • Remember to submit your Power of YouTube post on the blog today. We'll take a look at some of those posts on Wednesday.
  • Turn in your reading response (written) and your NW Film Festival (written) response on Wednesday.
  • Answer on the blog by Wednesday, as a comment, one of the posts that has in the title line: Question for the class. These questions have been taken from student's reading responses and date back through most of the readings. Pick one to respond to, it doesn't have to be long....a few sentences is fine. You are welcome to respond to another student's comment in response to a question as well....helping to create an online conversation about the original question. To get credit for this blog log, you must make a comment (either directly to the question or to comments made regarding the question).
  • Extra credit for the DTC artist talk at Northbank Gallery is due on Wednesday, it is worth 2.5 points. You can also pick up 2.5 extra credit points if you turn your final paper in on Wednesday as well.
  • Last, there are many of you that are missing reading log/blog log responses. I have a pile of stickies to give students regarding what I am missing (responses due this week are not included). Since I am not there, I cannot give these to you in class today, so instead I will send emails to students this morning stating who is missing what. Check your email today. If my graded information is incorrect, please let me know. If you do not receive an email from me, you've turned everything in and are a-okay. Please note, there are several of you that are missing so many responses I am not sure how you will pass the class. Please refer to the section below cut and pasted from the assignment sheet, which was given to you on the first day of class. If you have questions about this, email me or call me as soon as possible.
    READING/BLOG LOGS, 40% of final grade
    …..You will receive either a check or a minus for your logs. To receive a check mark you should turn it in on time, and demonstrate that you have taken your time to respond rather than hastily “right before class”. The log is due the following week after you receive the assigned reading, usually on a Monday. To receive full credit for all the logs, you must receive mo more than one minus mark and turn in all reading/blog logs. If you fail to meet this requirement, your grade will drop 5% (two minus marks), 10% (three minus marks), 15% (four minus marks), etc. depending on how many minuses you received. For each log you do not turn in, 5% will be deducted from your final grade. You may turn in logs late, but they will be counted as “minus” rather than a “check” grade. Reading logs that are more than a week late will not be accepted

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